My Awakening to the Jewish Question
They're Not the Victims They Would Like You to Think They Are
Note to readers: You might want to copy this article and paste it into a Word document (as I have done) before the Jews force Substack to take it down for the crime of unpleasant truth speech. Saving it in Word will preserve all of the links to the supporting articles, along with the pictures - but unfortunately not the videos.
Growing up in the US in the 1960s and 70s, I was taught that Jews have been hated and persecuted since the beginning of time, for absolutely no reason – other than because they were Jews. And not having had access to any evidence to the contrary back in those pre-internet/COMPLETELY-Jew-controlled-media days, I just accepted that assertion at face value. After all, why would anybody lie to us about such a thing? Or so I thought!
Then, in 1990, at the age of 30, after completing my MBA degree, I decided to seek adventure by going to Budapest, Hungary, where I found a job with a major international consulting firm shortly after the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. During my four years there, I made some great Hungarian friends. One day, one of them said to me, “Did you know that during the communist era, our communist oppressors were mostly Jews?!”
Whoa, wait, what? That’s not what I had been taught in school! I thought that Jews were the unfortunate victims of irrational hatred rather than being tyrannical oppressors themselves. This offhand comment by my friend set off a lifetime of search for the truth about Jews, a search that continues to this day. And what I have learned about them since then isn’t pretty!
We are also always told that Jews are smarter than the rest of us. If they’re so smart, why can’t they figure out why they have been hated everywhere they have settled - for thousands of years? Until recently, I thought that they MUST know why they’re hated, as they obviously must be aware of all of the things that I mention in this article. But I watched a video recently, made by a Jew, who said that Jews are actually brainwashed into thinking that they ARE hated for nothing!
Here’s one of many Jews who thinks his people are hated for nothing. They’re the original “dindu nuffins”.
If that is the case, then why is it only Jews who are hated for nothing? If we Gentiles are so irrational as to hate Jews for nothing, why don’t we hate EVERYBODY for nothing?
Some Jews, including one particularly obnoxious one in the comment section of this article, seem to believe that they are hated because they are “successful”. Again, if that is the case, why is it only Jews who are hated for being successful? Why aren’t ALL successful people hated? Could it be because of the way that Jews define success: Getting money by any means possible, and using that money to subvert Gentile nations. Do Jews really expect us to admire that kind of “success”?
Thinking that they are hated for nothing also has the benefit of absolving Jews of any necessity to change their behavior, doesn’t it, since they’re going to be hated anyway. This also allows them to commit their crimes against humanity without any sense of guilt or remorse, as they are currently doing by slaughtering defenseless Palestinians.
Caitlin Johnstone is a courageous and articulate voice against oppression in general, and the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians in particular. You can find her newsletter here:
She recently wrote this great article about “the REAL Israel”.
And speaking of the Palestinians, there is ample evidence to suggest that Israel was behind the 7 October 2024 Hamas attack - or that at the very least they allowed it to happen, and that Israeli soldiers also killed a lot of their own people (at least half of the Israelis who died) during the attack - as a way to justify their pre-planned annihilation of Gaza. (Update: They are now admitting it.) There is even now evidence that at least some (if not all) of the videos of the Hamas “atrocities” were AI-generated.
Article: Israeli October 7 posterchild was killed by Israeli tank, eyewitnesses reveal
And as proof that there was foreknowledge of the attack, Jews in America were shorting the stocks of Israeli companies that they expected would fall after the attack. So Jews benefited from the Hamas attack in two ways: It gave them a pretext to commit genocide in Gaza. And, as an added bonus, they made some easy money in the stock market.
After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that Jews have killed their own people in the pursuit of their objectives. It’s also widely known by now that Israel created and financed Hamas - to have a justification for not pursuing a two-state solution.
Here is the text of a speech by Warren Balogh that explains in great detail how Jews have lost the battle of public opinion as a result of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. Here are some excerpts from the speech:
They (Jews) are right in the spotlight, and the whole world is seeing them for what they are: a people without honor, a race of gangsters and murderers, an international criminal syndicate who control the hated puppet regimes of the West through bribery, blackmail, threats and extortion.
And this:
Jewish power in the West is being lit up like a Christmas tree. The nepotistic, tribalistic networks of Jewish power are being seen clearly by everyone, and they can’t be unseen. This growing realization is being piled onto the increasing malaise throughout the West, the ever-increasing gap between what “we the people” want—and what we get after every election. In the past few years more and more people have noticed that no matter who they vote for, their lives just keep getting worse. But now, more and more people are also noticing that no matter who they vote for, Jews stay in power.
Brave Israeli Soldiers Armed with Machine Guns Roughing Up Palestinian Terrorist Bakers Armed with Bread:
The Israeli Jews According to Former Green Beret Captain Joseph Cortana:
And on the subject of Israel, here is a good article on the criminal and violent creation of the state of Israel.
And how do Jews plan to go about destroying us? By a variety of means, over a long period of time. Here is the plan, laid out in “The Constantinople Letter of 1489”:
With the Jews facing increasing unpopularity in Spain due to their usurious practices, they are told by the King of Spain to become Christians or face expulsion.
Chemor, the Chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice on what to do. His reply, which can be found on pages 156 – 157 of the book, La Silva Curiosa, by Julio-Iniguez de Medrano, published Paris, Orry, 1608, was found in the archives of Toledo by the Hermit of Salamanca, amongst the ancient records of the kingdoms of Spain. Here is what was written in the letter:
“Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.
The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christian: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople.”
Does that not sound like exactly what Jews have done and continue to do to get the upper hand against us?
On that note, here are some of my observations about Jews, made in the 30+ years since I first became Jew-aware:
For starters, communism was/is a totally Jewish invention, created by the Jew Karl Marx (the grandson of a rabbi) - to allow Jews to take over the world under the guise of “liberating the working class”. If Jews had said that they wanted to take over the world as Jews because they were “God’s chosen people” (“self-Chosenites”, as I call them), people would have of course rejected that idea outright. Instead, Jews cleverly claimed to be imposing communism to lift up “the downtrodden workers of the world”. And since most people were workers who felt downtrodden, they were willing to give communism a try.
The main tenet of communism is the abolition of private property. What this means in practice is that “the State” owns the means of production (and pretty much everything else). But “the State” can’t actually RUN anything. PEOPLE have to. And which people? The people who CONTROL the State – which, under communism, happens to be Jews. It doesn’t matter who “owns” things, whether it be “the people” as a whole, or individual people. What matters is who decides how the output of those assets is allocated. And that’s where the Jews come in: Under communism, since they created the system, Jews took it upon themselves to manage “the State’s” assets - for the benefit of the working people, of course.
Would you be surprised to learn that the Jewish overlords live(d) like (genocidal) kings under communism, while their Gentile underlings lived like peasants? And do you think that was an accident? Keep that in mind when you hear the Jew Klaus Schwab (more on him later in this essay) say that by 2030, you will own nothing – and be happy. Guess who will own everything under his proposed system of worldwide communism?! Jews like him, of course. And guess who will be happy? Again, Jews like him.
Jews were responsible for the Bolshevik “Russian” revolution, which resulted in tens of millions of Christian Russians being brutally murdered, many of them through the Jew-created and run GULAG system. Where is THEIR holocaust museum?
Even some Jews admit that some of the greatest murderers of modern times have been Jews.
And on the subject of Russia, it appears that even Putin is a Jew:
Jews were responsible for the Holodomor, during which millions of Christian Ukrainians were starved to death – in the name of implementing communism, of course – and not just because Jews hate non-Jews and want to kill us all.
And if even I know that it was Jews who killed these millions of Ukrainians, you can be sure that Ukrainians know it too. So given that, what do you think are the odds that they would have actually elected the corrupt Jew Zelenskyy as their president? In fact, Zelenskyy was installed as President of Ukraine by the Jewish American then-Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria (Nudelman) Nuland, who had been using Ukraine to fight her personal battle with Russia, which was responsible for the persecution of her ancestors. Here is a good video elaborating on this issue:
And do you think it’s an accident that under this Jew Zelenskyy’s “leadership”, hundreds of thousands of young Russian and Ukrainian (Gentiles) have been and continue to be slaughtered – while the Jews who control Ukraine get rich – off of money fleeced from American (Gentile) taxpayers by the Jews who control America? They even boast about it. The Jew Larry Fink is already making plans for his investment fund Blackrock to make more money out of this war by “rebuilding” Ukraine after it’s over. As the saying goes, war is the Jews’ harvest. In fact, the Jews are already planning to steal a large chunk of Ukraine to create a “New Jerusalem” there! They already even have a list of names of the cabinet members of its government, among them former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. See the following video for details.
New Jerusalem Jewish Plan for Ukraine:
Jews were the “Young Turks” who were behind the genocide of Armenian Christians. In a typical Jewish tactic though, Turks get the blame for Jewish atrocities, just like Whites get blamed for Jewish slavery of black Africans in America.
Jews even played a significant role in China’s communism, which led to the murder of tens of millions of innocent Chinese people - well over a billion of whom are still living under that oppressive regime to this day.
Video: Jews Involved in Setting Up Communism in China
In fact, the Chinese model of enslavement, with its social credit system and central bank digital currency, is what the Jews would like to impose on the whole world - if we don’t stop them. Read this wonderful book, Life and Death in Shanghai, for a glimpse at life under early communism in China. It’s one of my all-time favorite books.
Jews were/are behind “women’s liberation”. Most of the notable figures from this movement were Jewish women.
Their goal was/is to destabilize the American family and way of life, while getting credit for “liberating” women, in much the same way that Jews are heavily involved in pornography, gambling, liquor production and distribution, organized crime, as well as the LGBT movement now – for the same purpose of undermining Western societies.
Jews control the American educational establishment, with the objective of destroying the minds of future generations. How did it happen that a lesbian Jew, Randi Weingarten, is the head of the American Federation of Teachers? Can she possibly be a good example for America’s children?
Jews were responsible for bringing most of the African slaves to the US. Slave trading was (and remains) a Jewish enterprise – because they see non-Jews as not being human. Below is an apology by a black American for blaming Whites for things done to blacks by Jews. The website that he mentions has since been removed from the internet. You can guess why.
Hello and welcome to my website “We Thought They Were White”. My name is Dontell Jackson, and like many African-Americans, I was brought up in a culture deeply infused with propaganda designed to lay the blame for all of the black race’s ills on the white man. It was not until I began looking into the actual history of blacks, whites, and other races in America, that I came to realize that much if not most of the resentment that African-Americans harbor regarding our long history of abuse and exploitation has been intentionally misdirected by those who are most responsible for it, to shift the blame away from themselves as a people onto the white race who they regard as their enemies.
The reality is that the white race had little to do with the slave trade that took our ancestors away from Africa and sold them into bondage in the New World. That crime was committed not by White Europeans, but by Jews who were engaged in transatlantic commerce between the Old World and the Americas where they hoped to establish a New Jerusalem from which to rule the world by way of exploiting all races who were not members of their tribe of “chosen people.” In their efforts to accomplish that goal, the white race has been hoodwinked and manipulated as unsuspecting pawns almost as much as the black race has been.
Blacks have been purposely misled by the Jewish people who, in previous centuries, built their fortunes in the transatlantic slave trade, and who continue to manipulate and exploit us even today. Because most black people make no distinction between Jews and whites, it is easy for the Jews to evade justice and escape the blame for the wrongs that they have inflicted on our people for centuries by convincing blacks that it was the white man who did it. In most cases the vast majority of the white race had nothing to do with slavery or other crimes that have been committed against our people.
Whites were and continue to be exploited and manipulated by the Jews, the same as blacks, and their race is even more hated by the Jew, where blacks are simply disregarded by the Jews with indifference, as are other races. We are all simply pawns to the Jews who have no other use for us beyond being a source of profit to them and a weapon that can be used to help destroy whites, who they see as their sworn enemies, by encouraging us to breed with them until there are no longer any whites left.”
Video: Professor Tony Martin - Jewish Involvement in the African Slave Trade
And Jews are responsible for creating friction between blacks and Whites – to deflect attention from their own misdeeds and to divide and conquer us.
Did you know that Jews created the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)? Why else would they have done that other than for their own interests, given their utter hatred of and lack of respect for blacks?
And speaking of blacks, Jews were/are behind the destruction of South Africa, and not for the benefit of blacks but rather for the benefit of Jews, of course - because they wanted access to and control over the natural resources of the country, much like they are doing now in the Democratic Republic of Congo. So somehow they were against apartheid in South Africa, but they LOVE apartheid in Israel. Hmmm. There’s that Jewish moral high ground for you.
Jews are responsible for the flooding of White, Western countries with Third-World riff-raff, because they know that a unified all-White country is an obstacle to their global dominance. Other articles on this topic can be found here, here, here, and here, as well as in this video.
Jews have totally infiltrated the US government, essentially controlling the country, and not for the benefit of Americans.
And the way that we can know that Whites don’t control America is that every single current policy of the country works against the interests of Whites. If Whites controlled the country, sheer coincidence would allow at least one or two of the government’s policies to at least not disadvantage Whites. For example, America’s Secretary of Homeland Security, the Jew with the deceptively Hispanic name Alejandro Majorkas, is responsible for throwing America’s borders open to all comers. Talk about fox guarding the henhouse! In fact, “democracy” is an ideal form of government for Jewish influence. As Ezra Pound astutely pointed out in 1940, “democracy is now currently defined in Europe as ‘a country run by Jews’.”
And don’t think that Donald Trump is going to save us either:
Nixon was Jew-aware too, which got him thrown out of office:
The Jewish control over the US is so dire, in fact, that you can criticize any non-Jewish American politician, but you can’t criticize Israel - or Jews. The late journalist Gonzalo Lira did a very good video on this subject (see below). He didn’t actually name the Jews in this video, because he feared that doing so would cost him his YouTube channel. Instead, his opinions ended up costing him his life, as he was “pneumonia-ed” to death in a Ukrainian prison in early 2024.
Jews use America to prop up their country Israel financially and to fight their enemies in the Middle East and Russia. And they steal sensitive secrets from America and give them to America’s enemies and stab America in the back at every opportunity, such as in the USS Liberty massacre and the Lavon Affair. The only way that America would fund a country that hates its people so much is by the Jews who control the US making sure that Israel is taken care of by American taxpayers.
Similarly, Jews are behind anti-gun regulations in the US and elsewhere because they likewise know that an armed (White) populace is an obstacle to their control of the country – and ultimately, the world.
Jews are responsible for the financial strangulation of most countries (including the US) through their control of central banks around the world. What are the odds that almost all of the heads of the central bank of the 98% Gentile US would have been Jews, if they didn’t own the Fed?
And it’s not enough for them to directly control the money of pretty much every country. They are also notorious swindlers/scammers.
Jews are also behind the global warming scam. It’s just another pillar in their attempt to create a one-world Jew-run government. They need to create the appearance of a global problem that can only be solved by a global government. And guess who intends to run that global government - for OUR benefit, of course.
Jews manipulate worldwide public opinion to their advantage through their ownership/control of the media, including the internet. Do you know ANY major internet company that is not owned by Jews? Do you think it’s just a coincidence that Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Amazon - were all founded by and are controlled by Jews? (Yes, even Jeff Bezos is a Jew - and he was replaced by another Jew after he stepped down as CEO of the company.)
And do you think that this came about because Jews are smart, or talented? No. Only Jew-founded companies are financed by the Jewish financial system, because they know that Jew-owned companies will cooperate with the Jewish plan for world domination. These companies all gather information about us - to be used against us if'/when Jews achieve their goal of a one-world, Jew-run government.
They fabricated the “holocaust” to cover up their Bolshevik war crimes and to gain sympathy for the creation of their own country, Israel, which, by the way, is the only entirely race-based country in the world – while they promote “multi-culturalism” for White countries.
So how about a little multi-culturalism for Israel too? I mean, if it’s good for us, then it should be good for them too, right?
Regarding the “holocaust”: Does it make sense that the Germans would have gassed Jews with Zyklon-B, the very same gas that they used to kill lice to prevent typhus, when they had a much more lethal gas (Sarin) available?
Does it make sense that they would have shipped Jews halfway across Europe – just to gas them with an insecticide upon arrival at the concentration camps – when, if they really wanted to exterminate them, they could have just shot them on the spot wherever they found them? The fact is that not a single Jew was ever gassed by the Germans. This was well demonstrated by the Frenchman Robert Faurisson in this video, and further confirmed by the Red Cross.
Here is a David Irving video in which he provides conclusive proof that the “gas chambers” were made up by British intelligence for propaganda purposes. So any Jew who claims to have been in a gas chamber, to have escaped from a gas chamber, to have seen a gas chamber, to know somebody who died in a gas chamber, etc., is lying. And they KNOW that they’re lying.
And how could they have cremated so many gassing victims with the limited number of crematory ovens at their disposal? Here is a conversation on the subject that the author of this article had with a chatbot:
Also, is it likely that six million Jews would have just quietly and without resistance just waltzed into gas chambers without fighting back? It is human to resist when you know you’re about to die. In fact, my Webster’s dictionary gives the following sentence as an example of the use of the word “axiomatic”: “It’s axiomatic that the instinct for self-preservation is universal throughout the animal kingdom.” There is no mention in the dictionary of this instinct being temporarily (conveniently) suspended only once in history – and by only one people, after which the instinct kicked in again – with a vengeance - turning these once meek people into the ruthless killers that they are today.
Here is another good article on the subject: Auschwitz - Six Facts, and Seven Questions.
In fact the German concentration camps were essentially labor camps, not extermination camps. They were also places to segregate Germany’s enemies – the Jews – during the war, just as Germans and Japanese were put into concentration camps in the US during the war. That is not to suggest that no Jews died while they were incarcerated (some 300,000 or so Jews died in German concentration camps according to records from the Red Cross, and not six million, as claimed by the Jews), or that life was pleasant in the camps. But they DID have hospitals for the inmates, which would be a strange thing to have in an extermination camp, wouldn’t you agree?
The Below Video is an Interview of Ernst Zuendel by an Israeli Journalist
All of the photos and videos that we see of emaciated concentration camp inmates were taken AFTER the war, after the supply lines to the camps were destroyed by Allied bombing. The Germans were no longer in a position to feed themselves, much less their prisoners. It is also interesting to note that when the Soviet Red Army was approaching as the war was drawing to a close, many of the Jewish concentration camp inmates preferred to flee westward with the Germans - rather than face their “liberators”. That’s not what you would expect from people who were being “exterminated” by the Germans, is it?
And if they were extermination camps, why are there so many “holocaust survivors” still alive today, nearly 80 years after the war? If anything, being in a Nazi “extermination” camp seems to have been a ticket to longevity, not to mention riches, at least for Israel - if not necessarily for the individual “survivors”. The fact is that tens of millions of Gentiles were killed in that Jew-instigated war, and it cost the Jews fewer than 300,000 of their own people to have so many of the best Gentiles slaughtered. From the perspective of Jews, that was a bargain.
Video: Frenchman Paul Rassinier Debunks Myth of Nazi Death Camps
Video: (Jew) David Cole on His Findings at Auschwitz (for which he was harassed by his fellow Jews until he retracted his observations)
Furthermore, as far as I know, the “holocaust” is the only event in the history of mankind that is illegal to question/deny. That’s right - in 16 European countries, along with Israel (of course) and Canada, it is actually illegal to deny the “holocaust”! This tells us two things: First, the Jews are not very confident of their story. If they were so sure of it, they would welcome debate on the topic. If, as they claim, it is the “best documented event in history”, it should be easy for them to prove that it happened, shouldn’t it? Making it illegal to deny it is one of the things that made me question it in the first place. So that backfired on them. And their ability to make it illegal to deny it also shows us who controls us, in case there was ever any doubt.
Here is an article that I recently found that does a very good job of debunking the “holocaust”.
Jews (in particular the Sackler family - here’s a great book on the subject) are responsible for the opioid crisis, killing hundreds of thousands of Gentiles and ruining the lives of millions more, while making billions of dollars in the process - with which they were able to buy prestige and protection for themselves. It doesn’t get any better than that for Jews – to get rich while killing Gentiles. And now they’re going to make money by offering a cure to the problem they created! There’s that famous chutzpah again.
Every aspect of the COVID pandemic was Jewish, and it was intended to kill us. And it wasn’t the first time that they did something like this, nor will it be the last.
Jews invented the concept of “hate speech”, not to protect you or me from being hated but to protect themselves – from the hate that they KNOW they deserve. When you forbid anyone to hate anyone, who benefits the most? People who deserve to be hated. Jews could stop anti-Semitism in a minute, if they really wanted to. All they would have to do would be to stop doing the things that have made people hate them since the beginning of time - like trying to kill us non-Jews and take over the world. But they can’t stop because they think it is their destiny to rule over us. So instead, they try to punish people for hating them, by using their control of the legal (“Jewdicial”) system to create laws against hating Jews.
Jews were responsible for 9-11.
That should be obvious when you consider who benefitted from it. The result was that the US got into endless wars with Israel’s enemies in the Middle East (and now in Ukraine - against the Jews’ historical enemy Russia), destroying those enemies of the Jews while bankrupting the US – again a double win for the Jews.
Video: 9-11 - They Did It
The following video does not specifically address the Jewish involvement in 9-11. But it does show how ridiculous the official narrative is.
Here is a video showing a missile hitting the Pentagon on 9-11. Again this is not proof of Jewish involvement in the attack (there is enough of that already), but it is yet more proof that the official narrative is a lie.
Jews were behind the Kennedy assassinations, primarily because JFK was against Israel acquiring nuclear weapons. JFK was then replaced by the more Israel-friendly Jew Lyndon B. Johnson, America’s first Jew President.
They had RFK assassinated to prevent him from becoming president – as he intended to re-open the investigation into his brother’s assassination - because he was aware that the Israelis were behind it. Do you think it was a coincidence that Lee Harvey Oswald, the purported assassin of JFK, was gunned down by the Jew Jack Ruby (born Jacob Rubenstein)? Here is another good article with some insights into the Kennedy assassinations.
I am almost certain that wannabe world dictator Klaus Schwab is a Jew. Aside from the genealogical evidence, his mentor (Henry Kissinger) and his protégé (Yuval Noah Hariri) are both Jews. Given that, what are the odds of Klaus Schwab being the only non-Jew in this trifecta of wannabe world controllers?
Conclusion: Jews are obviously not the unfortunate victims of irrational hatred. In fact, what should surprise us is that there is not MORE anti-Semitism, which is a natural reaction to all of the above. The fact that there is not even more anti-Semitism can be attributed to their historical control of the media, which they use to portray themselves as (innocent) victims. Fortunately, however, with the internet, the truth about them is gradually seeping out. Let’s hope that that continues and that we are able to resist their attempts to censor, and ultimately totally control those of us that they don’t kill first. Otherwise this is what we are in for should they succeed. What they are doing to the Palestinians is just a trial run for what they have planned for us.
Recommended Books:
I just finished reading, for the fourth time, Henry Ford’s “The World’s Foremost Problem - the International Jew”. It was written almost exactly 100 years ago, and even back then Ford knew about the Jewish plot to rule the world. Since then, they have gotten a lot closer to their goal. Every time I read this book, I see things that I missed on previous readings - as I become more Jew-aware. The book is out of copyright and can be found for free in many places on the internet (as can many of the following books - just search for them), including here, for example.
I will quote here a passage from the book, something that Ford took from “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (another recommended book) about Jewish influence over US Presidential elections:
“We will manipulate the election of Presidents whose past contains some undisclosed dark affair, then they will be faithful executors of our orders from fear of exposure and from the natural desire of every man who has attained a position of authority to retain the privileges, emoluments and the dignity associated with the position of the President.”
Sound familiar? Even a hundred years ago it was known that Jews installed American Presidents who were subject to blackmail - so that they could exercise influence over them. This is what was/is also done with all of the influential people who have been to Epstein’s pedo island.
“The Culture of Critique” trilogy, by Kevin Macdonald. The way that you can know that these books are worth reading is the way the author is described in the (Jewish-controlled) Wikipedia article about him:
”. . . an antisemitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, and retired professor of evolutionary psychology.”
The trilogy includes:
A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, With Diaspora Peoples
Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism
The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements
Any/all of the H. A. Covington books. I have read four of the books on this list, “The Brigade”, and “A Distant Thunder”, “A Mighty Fortress”, and “Freedom’s Sons”, and they were all absolutely fantastic. In addition to being on a subject that is near and dear to my heart, they are also very well written. I would characterize them as fantasy fiction, as well as a practical roadmap/strategy of how to take America back from the Jews who now control our once great nation. Eventually I will read all of the books in the series.
“My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding”, by David Duke. Everybody has their own path to becoming Jew-aware. I find it interesting to learn how other people got there.
Enemies of the People, a book about the Rothschilds. This is one of the more telling quotes from the book:
Alphonse de Rothschild, asked by a friend in March 1866 why he worked so hard to make more money when he was already enormously rich, replied: “Ah! You don’t know the pleasure of feeling heaps of Christians under one’s boots!”.
“The Synagogue of Satan”, by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
“And The Truth Shall Set You Free”, by David Icke. Just about every event in history has a different explanation from the official one - and there were almost always Jews involved - both in the perpetration of the events - and the cover-up.
Recommended websites:
Miscellaneous Memes, Videos and Articles:
Video: Jewish Plan to Use a Nuclear War to Usher in One-World Jew-Controlled Government
Video: Tom Jewns
Video: All Wars Are Banker’s Wars
Movie - The Jud Suess:
Video: Allied Atrocities, Dr. William Pierce"
Video: Always Name the Jew
Documentary - Israel’s Second 9-11, How Zionism Conquered JFK, America and Palestine:
Video: Brother Nathanael
Video: Every “ism” Except Nazism Was Founded or Led By Jews (from a Jew)
Video: Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany
Video: ADL Silicon Valley Link
Video: Eric Trump Admits to Being Jewish
Video: The Greatest Lie Ever Told - the Holocaust
Video: Breaking the Jew Taboo, by E. Michael Jones (you can skip the first 19:30)
Video: Israelis Celebrating Jew-Orchestrated Muslim Invasion of the West
Video: Debt Slavery to Jews
Video: Israel’s War On Everyone - Major False Flag Likely
Video: How Israelis Are Brainwashed
Video: Lucas Gage Speech at the JP (Jewish Problem?) Conference
Video: Viktor Orban on George Soros’s Plan to Flood Europe with Refugees
Video: 1961 Speech by Benjamin Freedman
Video: Jewish Quotes
Video: Fred Leuchter Debunks Auschwitz Gas Chamber Claims
Video: Scott Adams on Anti-Semitism Law
Video: Donald Trump - the First Jewish President of the United States
Video: Jews Not Giving a Shit About Palestinian Deaths
Video: Gideon Levy - The Zionist Tango - Step Left, Step Right (Highly Recommended!)
Video: The Most Important Thing for Jews is to Marry a Jew
Video: Weimar Hell - 1919-33
Video: English-language AI Version of Actual Hitler Speech on Evolution of His Thinking About Jews
Video: The World’s Shame: Israel, The Pariah State
Video: Jews are Taught That They Should Kill Us
Video: Jews Justifying the Killing of Children
Video: Jews Calling for the Extermination of Whites
Video: Understanding Anti-Semitism
Video: Stew Peters on the Jews
Video: Jewish Intention to Settle Gaza (This Was the Plan All Along)
Video: JP Jewish Problem Conference Speaker Dr. E. Michael Jones
Video: Trump Owned By the Jews
Video: Jews Replacing Us with Invaders at the Southern Border
Video: Another Holocaust Survivor Caught in His Lies
Video: Alan Dershowitz and His Solution to Anti-Semitism
Video: The Single Most Important Word to Understand the Israeli Psyche
Video: Antisemitox
Video: President of World Jewish Congress Calls for Imprisoning Anti-Semites
Video: Gerald Celente on Israel
Video: How Israel Uses Sex to Sell Zionism
Video: Spanish Teen Goes Viral for Speaking Out About the Enemies of Humanity
Video: Hitler on International Jewry
Video: Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
Video: Time to Suspend Israel from the United Nations
Article: (Paul Cudenec) The stench of the system: Sayanim
I have a new hero. This guy is AMAZING!
Here are some of his best articles:
Article (Lucas Gage): An Open Letter to the Jews
Article (Lucas Gage): Prepare for the Worst
Article (Lucas Gage): The Safest Way to Fight
Article (Lucas Gage): Am I an Anti-Semite?
Article (Lucas Gage): They Will Lose
Article (Lucas Gage): Gentiles: How Did We Get Here?
Article (Lucas Gage): Where Art Thou, Good Jew?
Article (Lucas Gage): Gentiles of the World: UNITE!
Article (Lucas Gage): To My Fellow Americans
Article (Lucas Gage): Why lowercase the “J”
Article (Lucas Gage): The Method to my "Madness"
Article (Lucas Gage): Shame the Shabbos Goy
Article (Lucas Gage): The Fallacious New "Anti-Semitism"
Article (Lucas Gage): What Would a Good jew Look Like?
Article (Lucas Gage): Our War for Freedom isn't Free
Article (Lucas Gage): The "Kosher Sandwich"
Article (Lucas Gage): Don't Debate, Teach!
Article (Lucas Gage): My "Religious" Beliefs
Article (Lucas Gage): Complacency Kills
Article: (Lucas Gage): The Only Real Political Solution
Article (Lucas Gage): Take Care of Yourself
Article (Lucas Gage): A Thankless Job
Article (Lucas Gage): First-world "Casualties"
Article (Lucas Gage): The Parasite Class
Article: Can We Save The jews?
Article: White People: We're on Our Own
Article: Revolution: Top-Down or Bottom-Up?
Video: Damned Anti-Jupiterite
Article: Parallels: JFK, RFK, 9/11
Article: Retribution Is Coming . . . And They Know It
Video: ADL Caught Staging Fake Nazi Rallies to Gain Sympathy and Raise Money
Video: The Israeli Lobby in Washington
Video: Comedienne On Jews
Video: The Magic Number of Six Millions Jews - from Pre-”Holocaust” Newspapers
Video: Nancy Pelosi on Her Zionist Father
Article: Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?
Article: Over 1,000 Shape-Shifting Jews Exposed For Pretending To Be White on Twitter
PDF List of Above-Mentioned Shape-Shifting Jews
Video: Bobby Fischer on the Jews
Video: Don’t Bring Up the Jews on Infowars
Video: Donald Trump Has Assembled the Most Pro-Israel Cabinet in History
Video: Israeli Scammers Busted in the Philippines
Video: German Symbol for Awesome
Article: The Jewish Agenda to Destroy the White Race
Video: Parody About Benjamin Netanyahu
Video: Ernst Zuendel on Why the Germans Turned on the Jews
Video: Israel’s Murderous Behavior in Gaza
Video: Interview with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro on the Intersection of Religious Ideology and Military Power in the Israeli Defense Forces
Video: Opening Christmas Presents for Europe
Video: Scott Ritter - Wake Up!
Video: Twitter Combatting “Anti-Semitism” After 7 October by Sharing User Details with Militaries and Governments Around the World
Video: Jews Admitting That They Are Trying to Rule the World (Of course your Jewish neighbor will say that these Jews don’t represent the thinking of the majority of Jews, bla bla bla, but what else could they say?)
Video: Jews “Helping” to Assimilate Migrants into Western New York - and Bragging About It
Article: Only 3% Of Jewish Israelis Think Trump's Ethnic Cleansing Plan For Gaza Is Immoral
Article: Ten Proofs 6 Million Jews Did Not Die in World War II
Article: The Nonstop Military Operation Known As Israel
Article: Why the Holocaust Story Was Invented
Article: Exposed: How Israeli Spies Control Your VPN
Article: Is Judaism Incurable? The scourge sharpens its knives. (A response to the above sick article.)
Video: Jews generously “helping” to integrate invaders in New York - with taxpayers’ money
Video: Jews Wanting to Control the World
Article: Seinfeld boosts Israel’s “shoot to kill” fantasy tours
Article: At Least We Executed the Rosenbergs
Article: It Impugns The Conscience
Article: The Jewish Supremacists' War on the White Population
Article: The jewish Supremacists' War on Humanity Meme Page I
Article: The jewish Supremacists' War on Humanity Meme Page II
Article: The jewish Supremacists' War on Humanity Meme Page III
Article: The Trauma-Based Mind Control of Israelis
Article: The Real History of WWII?
Article: The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US
Article: The Disraeli Enigma - A Case Study in the Jewish Great Game
Article: Jewish Control of US Presidents #1: Woodrow Wilson
Article: What to do. Some modest proposals
Excellent and well-informed article. You can also read my article on the same subject in The Unz Review, "My Journey to the Jewish Question," by RockaBoatus.
Hi TOO folks.
Michael, this is great. You and I have similar stories, are about the same age range, and the wonderful thing is that, I have come to many of the same discoveries and knowledge. It always feels great to know that one is not alone.
I have written a book about what happened to me when I was younger. I hope to have it published soon. I made the horrible mistake of going to a predominantly Jewish college fresh out of high school. The insanity of the Jews and their hatred for Anglos and the countries that we have built and our culture, is mind boggling.
One great thing about your piece here is that it would be a great introduction to the subject of Jewish supremacy for normies. I will definitely be recommending it. Until the Jewish problem/Jewish supremacy is in the vernacular of the masses, nothing will change.