Excellent and well-informed article. You can also read my article on the same subject in The Unz Review, "My Journey to the Jewish Question," by RockaBoatus.
Michael, this is great. You and I have similar stories, are about the same age range, and the wonderful thing is that, I have come to many of the same discoveries and knowledge. It always feels great to know that one is not alone.
I have written a book about what happened to me when I was younger. I hope to have it published soon. I made the horrible mistake of going to a predominantly Jewish college fresh out of high school. The insanity of the Jews and their hatred for Anglos and the countries that we have built and our culture, is mind boggling.
One great thing about your piece here is that it would be a great introduction to the subject of Jewish supremacy for normies. I will definitely be recommending it. Until the Jewish problem/Jewish supremacy is in the vernacular of the masses, nothing will change.
The international clique of parasites have overstayed their welcome on Planet Earth. Time for the planet to become the 1031st place to boot the jew off to fend for himself somewhere else. This time it will be beyond the van Allen belts. Hail Victory! and FtJ.
Outer space is an entirety made up concept. It has no proof or evidence of existence. All space pictures and video are CGI. Watch any "documentary" about space with this lense and you will see what an entire childish joke the whole theory is.
Anne C, if you are Anne Coulter, then I greatly admire your latest essay on The Occidental Observer "Apparently, Not All Black Lives Matter." Very persuasive and if all American Whites read it, our nation would be more hopeful of rescue from the Jewish race baiters.
But Coulter spells her name without the E, so maybe not.
It was a long shot. She spells it Ann without the E, but her comments on TOO show up from Ann C.
I'm honored you read my essays on TOO. As you may know, I am no longer submitting to TOO but posting more here on my substack site and still submitting to The Barnes Review. Also Ron Unz is posting my submissions on The Unz Review. History of National Socialism in America is up now on Unz and comments are open.
It’s like The Rolling Stones Song. You know which one. I had heard the innuendo over the years. Had been curious a couple times but until I had some hard evidence it was all conjecture. Then I see that vid of the guy outing the covid management team. He accused them of being Jewish but this time he leveled another accusation towards them. He claimed that not only were they Jews but also Dual Citizens with a particular state.
This fucking floored me. I really didn’t know what to think when he said it. I figured ok now we can get to the bottom of shit. Smh there’s a lot of them in really high places but no one will touch it with a 10ft pole. I started asking fairly popular conservative sites/people and I was promptly ignored.
I thought wow how can we not make mention of people at high levels of government that have an allegiance to another nation? I wondered what it would be like it it was China instead of Israel. Got the feeling most conservatives would have gone apeshit. And then the assault on free speech bill last week.
Just started talking to an old friend. He is listening (maybe lol). Still I cannot believe it has taken this much energy to make him (freedom loving American) understand how derogatory that bill was to our First Amendment.
Thanks for the compiled information Michael. You wanna know how we win? Here’s the fucking blueprint sir. Make sure you read her post directly after this one. Yes Caitlin is a lefty but she gets it!!
The Jews used to buy up all the Ford books, as soon as they went into the stores, so that others would not have an opportunity to read them. Vintage censorship.
They bought the publishing companies a long time ago & "got rid of anything no one asked for in a few years." Even notice now, most used bookstores are owned by jews so they can dispose of any truth.
A very good overview. I had no idea Harlem Désir was Jewish! He was instrumental in brainwashing France (the territory which used to be my country) into accepting waves of immigrants in the 80s.
Personally, my awakening on this issue came thanks to Robert Faurisson, a very brave and ethical man who demonstrated the impossibility of the gas chambers, the mother of all myths. Here is the documentary (in French with English subtitles) which cost him decades of persecution:
Thanks very much Mike. I had been saving this material in my "Jew" folder for decades. It wasn't until substack came along that I found a forum on which to organize and share my thoughts.
Caitlin is a liberal underneath it and banned me for one reply in which I corrected an historical statement she got wrong. Otherwise I like your article and all the images you posted. They come in handy.
Yes. I don't agree with everything that Caitlin says/believes. But I do like it that she speaks out against the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians.
I am glad that you find the article useful. I also use it as a way to collect information about the topic all in one place. So whenever I need any information about any Jew-related discussion anywhere on the internet, I can often find a relevant point about it somewhere in my article.
It's still a work in progress, as I am still learning new things about them every day.
As another commenter said, this is epic. I, too, am familiar with most of this, but the work to put it together as you have? Holy cow...Well done. Quoting yet another commenter, standing O, sir.
This is unbelievable transparant heroism..irrefutably morally edifying scholarly clarity.for millions of Americans. ..this author has elegantly clearly pieced
together... the missing link that was verboten to know..true history...As others before us said ..Outstanding! Bravo! Some in the current awakening..the New American Kristallnacht have thundered--pile on! Now**pull the entire Synagogue of Satan edifice down now! Sure..dismember the Zionist entity ..but it's not just Zionism**It's time to finally end the Golden era for luciferian Jew race
neocon supremacist baphomets..the Talmudic hermaphroditic bizarre bolshevist cancer on humanity.**Name arrest charge tar feather and hang the genocidal maniacs ..remove the controligarch plutocrats from Rothschild to zuckerfarce to antichrist Google gulag filth to the new Jew kung flu preplandemic isreali Jewish bioethics biopharmakeia lunatic dysphoric Jewdevil degenerates. Rabbi butt plug schmuely boteach..rabbi Joshua Stanton(said kill all white people). from rabbi fried of pornhub ..... remove..excise..expel...all the anti white antiChristian anti European blood dripping Jews..eject them from our countries..Now*Seize the day.....Rearm Now***.--Open borders for Isreal 2024**links..200 years together..see also Eustace Mullins..Nesta Webster..mark Twain ,Nikola Tesla..Matthew Raphael Johnson..Ezra pound..Henry Ford.....Great commentary **
Excellent and well-informed article. You can also read my article on the same subject in The Unz Review, "My Journey to the Jewish Question," by RockaBoatus.
Just now read your article, a terrific piece and highly recommended. I came to the same conclusions but have never seen the reasons laid out so well.
Thanks very much for your kind words, Wilson!
Can you provide a link to your article please?
Your wish is my command!
Thanks very much Captain. A very good article.
Hey RockaBoatus! Good to see you here. - This is Kali, regular commenter on Unz.com
Hey Kali, thanks for the reply. Sorry for my later response. I only recently began my Substack account.
No problem RockaBoatus. Thank you for your response. 🙏
Hi TOO folks.
Michael, this is great. You and I have similar stories, are about the same age range, and the wonderful thing is that, I have come to many of the same discoveries and knowledge. It always feels great to know that one is not alone.
I have written a book about what happened to me when I was younger. I hope to have it published soon. I made the horrible mistake of going to a predominantly Jewish college fresh out of high school. The insanity of the Jews and their hatred for Anglos and the countries that we have built and our culture, is mind boggling.
One great thing about your piece here is that it would be a great introduction to the subject of Jewish supremacy for normies. I will definitely be recommending it. Until the Jewish problem/Jewish supremacy is in the vernacular of the masses, nothing will change.
Outstanding work. Thank you for speaking out against the mass deceit.
The international clique of parasites have overstayed their welcome on Planet Earth. Time for the planet to become the 1031st place to boot the jew off to fend for himself somewhere else. This time it will be beyond the van Allen belts. Hail Victory! and FtJ.
Outer space is a jew led free mason psy-op. In fact all Sci-Fi was orchestrated by the jew.
Please elaborate.
Outer space is an entirety made up concept. It has no proof or evidence of existence. All space pictures and video are CGI. Watch any "documentary" about space with this lense and you will see what an entire childish joke the whole theory is.
Standing ovation. Well done!
Agree. An excellent compillation and broad general summary. This should be enough to convince anyone.
Anne C, if you are Anne Coulter, then I greatly admire your latest essay on The Occidental Observer "Apparently, Not All Black Lives Matter." Very persuasive and if all American Whites read it, our nation would be more hopeful of rescue from the Jewish race baiters.
But Coulter spells her name without the E, so maybe not.
Karl, I'm flattered that you would think I might be Ann Coulter, but I'm afraid I cannot hold a light to that fine writer.
I don't always read her posts on TOO (unlike yours, which I read without fail) but I will look up the one you have recommended. Thank you for the tip!
It was a long shot. She spells it Ann without the E, but her comments on TOO show up from Ann C.
I'm honored you read my essays on TOO. As you may know, I am no longer submitting to TOO but posting more here on my substack site and still submitting to The Barnes Review. Also Ron Unz is posting my submissions on The Unz Review. History of National Socialism in America is up now on Unz and comments are open.
It’s like The Rolling Stones Song. You know which one. I had heard the innuendo over the years. Had been curious a couple times but until I had some hard evidence it was all conjecture. Then I see that vid of the guy outing the covid management team. He accused them of being Jewish but this time he leveled another accusation towards them. He claimed that not only were they Jews but also Dual Citizens with a particular state.
This fucking floored me. I really didn’t know what to think when he said it. I figured ok now we can get to the bottom of shit. Smh there’s a lot of them in really high places but no one will touch it with a 10ft pole. I started asking fairly popular conservative sites/people and I was promptly ignored.
I thought wow how can we not make mention of people at high levels of government that have an allegiance to another nation? I wondered what it would be like it it was China instead of Israel. Got the feeling most conservatives would have gone apeshit. And then the assault on free speech bill last week.
Just started talking to an old friend. He is listening (maybe lol). Still I cannot believe it has taken this much energy to make him (freedom loving American) understand how derogatory that bill was to our First Amendment.
Thanks for the compiled information Michael. You wanna know how we win? Here’s the fucking blueprint sir. Make sure you read her post directly after this one. Yes Caitlin is a lefty but she gets it!!
Where to download, for free, the 4 Henry Ford Books:
The Jews used to buy up all the Ford books, as soon as they went into the stores, so that others would not have an opportunity to read them. Vintage censorship.
Interesting, and fortunately no longer possible. Unfortunately, they will attempt to resort to a new kind of censorship.
They bought the publishing companies a long time ago & "got rid of anything no one asked for in a few years." Even notice now, most used bookstores are owned by jews so they can dispose of any truth.
Here from ConsumeProduct on Scored, good shit you're doing spreading Jewish treachery for people to fight against.
Keep it up, don't let the kikes destroy your life.
Consume product!
Self improve!
I miss the old days on conpro. Hail victory.
every single time......... i reread this my head explodes
Epic. I am familiar with the material, but you've laid it all out in a format easy to share with others.
A very good overview. I had no idea Harlem Désir was Jewish! He was instrumental in brainwashing France (the territory which used to be my country) into accepting waves of immigrants in the 80s.
Personally, my awakening on this issue came thanks to Robert Faurisson, a very brave and ethical man who demonstrated the impossibility of the gas chambers, the mother of all myths. Here is the documentary (in French with English subtitles) which cost him decades of persecution:
The Gas Chambers Problem
Very comprehensive and thorough piece, well researched and presented perfectly!
Seriously, solid work!
Thanks very much Mike. I had been saving this material in my "Jew" folder for decades. It wasn't until substack came along that I found a forum on which to organize and share my thoughts.
Caitlin is a liberal underneath it and banned me for one reply in which I corrected an historical statement she got wrong. Otherwise I like your article and all the images you posted. They come in handy.
Yes. I don't agree with everything that Caitlin says/believes. But I do like it that she speaks out against the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians.
I am glad that you find the article useful. I also use it as a way to collect information about the topic all in one place. So whenever I need any information about any Jew-related discussion anywhere on the internet, I can often find a relevant point about it somewhere in my article.
It's still a work in progress, as I am still learning new things about them every day.
I wish that this could be published in book form. A book cannot be taken down from a social media platform like Substack.
As another commenter said, this is epic. I, too, am familiar with most of this, but the work to put it together as you have? Holy cow...Well done. Quoting yet another commenter, standing O, sir.
Thank you Michael!**
This is unbelievable transparant heroism..irrefutably morally edifying scholarly clarity.for millions of Americans. ..this author has elegantly clearly pieced
together... the missing link that was verboten to know..true history...As others before us said ..Outstanding! Bravo! Some in the current awakening..the New American Kristallnacht have thundered--pile on! Now**pull the entire Synagogue of Satan edifice down now! Sure..dismember the Zionist entity ..but it's not just Zionism**It's time to finally end the Golden era for luciferian Jew race
neocon supremacist baphomets..the Talmudic hermaphroditic bizarre bolshevist cancer on humanity.**Name arrest charge tar feather and hang the genocidal maniacs ..remove the controligarch plutocrats from Rothschild to zuckerfarce to antichrist Google gulag filth to the new Jew kung flu preplandemic isreali Jewish bioethics biopharmakeia lunatic dysphoric Jewdevil degenerates. Rabbi butt plug schmuely boteach..rabbi Joshua Stanton(said kill all white people). from rabbi fried of pornhub ..... remove..excise..expel...all the anti white antiChristian anti European blood dripping Jews..eject them from our countries..Now*Seize the day.....Rearm Now***.--Open borders for Isreal 2024**links..200 years together..see also Eustace Mullins..Nesta Webster..mark Twain ,Nikola Tesla..Matthew Raphael Johnson..Ezra pound..Henry Ford.....Great commentary **